
Why is our society so messed up? (Rant?)

As someone who is still just entering the workforce I actually find our society really sad. From my observation, my peers and I were so passionate and filled with a sense of responsibility during our first job. For example, when I worked at restaurants we always try to maintain sanitary conditions and to manage resources in order to provide safe food and for the customers. We worked fast and efficient, but through all that we didn't really recieve any acknowledgements. For weeks where the place was not as popular, the restaurant would fire employees who were very necessary during rush hours. We were understaffed, but worked as hard as we could because of this sense of responsibility for the business and customers. But at some point it really eats you away and you ask what is the difference of working so hard and tiring yourself out just to get fired?…

As someone who is still just entering the workforce I actually find our society really sad. From my observation, my peers and I were so passionate and filled with a sense of responsibility during our first job.

For example, when I worked at restaurants we always try to maintain sanitary conditions and to manage resources in order to provide safe food and for the customers. We worked fast and efficient, but through all that we didn't really recieve any acknowledgements.

For weeks where the place was not as popular, the restaurant would fire employees who were very necessary during rush hours. We were understaffed, but worked as hard as we could because of this sense of responsibility for the business and customers.

But at some point it really eats you away and you ask what is the difference of working so hard and tiring yourself out just to get fired? As wrong as that sounds, I don't think it is not nearly as bad to have the sense of responsibility eroded away. I see middle aged workers too who really don't care about a single thing and think to myself “will I be like that when I grow up?”

And looking at them I really don't want to be like that when I grow up. Just living everyday to work not even for the sake of working, it feels closer to death than death itself. Yet the worst part is they don't even get paid enough. Many have a second job too.

Jobs clearly don't pay off hard work, and we live in an economy where we have enough food for everyone, so why did prices jump so high? Why does our society starve those who are struggling when we clearly have the means to support each other?

I understand some families are better off and we can call that fate, but how are we suppose to improve our generation if our tuition is higher than a full time employee's annual income?

They say knowledge is power but when the poor cannot afford these important education, isn't that just creating a system that divides the rich and poor forever?

I'm honestly losing hope for the future and thinking about how our dreams lie on top of mountains of loans and debts but others literally don't even blink looking at six digits. I know people who pay others to do their work for their entire degree while they sit home everyday.

And you know its fine if not everyone is equal, but what good is a society that stifles on people's passion and forces their neighbors to starve when they are doing all the work for you? I've met fellow students who were just as passionate to become teachers or doctors, only to have the system crush their dreams when we clearly lack both these occupations. We live in the “most prosperous” time but we still can't take care of each other?

Does anyone else have it figured out? Its really sad knowing how the last generation collects 2/3 of our income every month because they bought a house for 80k 30 years ago while we will never be able to afford even a room with that much. Like what is the point of working if its just giving money to your boss and landlord? What's the point of living like this?

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