
Wife leaves job

In Romania it’s just also F-upped, my puts in her notice. First of weird is because she is a team leader she has like 42 days notice while a normal worker has like half 🤦‍️. First tower lead was talking down ad her she was only chasing the money, then 2 days later he comes with lame plan ok let’s make a business plan to present to HR for a 10% increase…..really wtf. I told her don’t fall for it first he treats you like your a money b$tch and I’m like your a hypocrite cause let’s face it no body works for charity we all want to improve our standards and have more to give to our kids. Then the business case I’m like really! If he wants you so bad “HE” fights for the money cause if you fall for the trick eventually HR will say sorry we…

In Romania it’s just also F-upped, my puts in her notice. First of weird is because she is a team leader she has like 42 days notice while a normal worker has like half 🤦‍️. First tower lead was talking down ad her she was only chasing the money, then 2 days later he comes with lame plan ok let’s make a business plan to present to HR for a 10% increase…..really wtf. I told her don’t fall for it first he treats you like your a money b$tch and I’m like your a hypocrite cause let’s face it no body works for charity we all want to improve our standards and have more to give to our kids. Then the business case I’m like really! If he wants you so bad “HE” fights for the money cause if you fall for the trick eventually HR will say sorry we can’t approve this right now but your to late for the other job already so your stuck with what you got. Told her to just move and take the new job, bigger challenge, maybe more work, but also maybe more satisfaction and opportunities. The current boss is just screwing with you so let them suffer your loss.

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