
Wife Not Being Paid Proper Overtime

This is in Ohio. My wife's work recently has started a mandatory overtime of 10 hours a week for the next month at least. This is due to them being short staffed and being behind on work. It sucks her being at work an extra two hours a day, but the extra money is helpful with our 3 year old's birthday coming up soon. They are payed a base amount (over minimum wage) and then incentive based on how many claims/items they price(insurance/property loss). Her paycheck is about half base pay, half incentive. The problem is I just found out they aren't giving overtime pay for incentive pay since they classify it as a bonus. This seemed off to me so briefly reading up on it, I found that a “bonus” is only excluded from overtime pay if it isn't directly based on productivity or efficiency, which this is. Am…

This is in Ohio. My wife's work recently has started a mandatory overtime of 10 hours a week for the next month at least. This is due to them being short staffed and being behind on work. It sucks her being at work an extra two hours a day, but the extra money is helpful with our 3 year old's birthday coming up soon.

They are payed a base amount (over minimum wage) and then incentive based on how many claims/items they price(insurance/property loss). Her paycheck is about half base pay, half incentive. The problem is I just found out they aren't giving overtime pay for incentive pay since they classify it as a bonus.

This seemed off to me so briefly reading up on it, I found that a “bonus” is only excluded from overtime pay if it isn't directly based on productivity or efficiency, which this is. Am I correct that this is illegal? And what can I do?

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