
Won’t move me

I work at a grocery store in the seafood dept. Came in right as they were going from local to selling to a conglomerate. Been here almost two years with a great record of performance. The guy”above” me has been there 10 years, is from Uganda but is very conservative and very racist. We have a unit to steam food, he makes black people pay for the food before he will steam it, but will do it for white people no questions asked. Also has made derogatory comments about gay people. I'm bi and do my best to shake it off. About two months ago I told the hiring manager I had issues working with him, didn't want to file any complaint because I knew how important he was to production. I checked in two weeks ago and didn't get much, then two days ago i asked what was up.…

I work at a grocery store in the seafood dept. Came in right as they were going from local to selling to a conglomerate. Been here almost two years with a great record of performance. The guy”above” me has been there 10 years, is from Uganda but is very conservative and very racist. We have a unit to steam food, he makes black people pay for the food before he will steam it, but will do it for white people no questions asked. Also has made derogatory comments about gay people. I'm bi and do my best to shake it off.

About two months ago I told the hiring manager I had issues working with him, didn't want to file any complaint because I knew how important he was to production. I checked in two weeks ago and didn't get much, then two days ago i asked what was up. She said “Well we have to hire someone for your position before we can move you. ” Yesterday I checked the internal and external job posts and saw that my position wasn't listed.

So they don't give a shit, I know that much. Any advice?

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