
Work Docks Pay for Sick Days

Yesterday, I found out that I used more sick days than I believed I had. Now, for the next month – my pay is being cut by over 100 dollars. Already stretched thin on regular pay, and with my health issues (food I can eat is expensive as hell and doctors appointments) this cut is going to suck. So for the next month – and maybe even more- I'm going to do the bare minimum. Usually, I show up ten to fifteen minutes early to work and from lunch – now – I will clock in right on the dot. I am a fast typer – 95 wpm – now, I'm feeling about 40 to 45 wpm. I'm pissed and understand things like this happen. I just don't understand why no one informed me of this at all until yesterday. Oh well – once I was a worker who went…

Yesterday, I found out that I used more sick days than I believed I had.

Now, for the next month – my pay is being cut by over 100 dollars. Already stretched thin on regular pay, and with my health issues (food I can eat is expensive as hell and doctors appointments) this cut is going to suck.

So for the next month – and maybe even more- I'm going to do the bare minimum.

Usually, I show up ten to fifteen minutes early to work and from lunch – now – I will clock in right on the dot. I am a fast typer – 95 wpm – now, I'm feeling about 40 to 45 wpm.

I'm pissed and understand things like this happen. I just don't understand why no one informed me of this at all until yesterday.

Oh well – once I was a worker who went above and beyond, now – I do not give a rat's ass.

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