
Work makes us clock out for breaks that we work through.

Just what it says, we work in a big hotel but often times in the multiple bars there’s only one bartender on staff, we can’t actually take a break, servers do the same thing for lack of having anyone to cover their tables, it’s also common at front desk and security when only one person is on overnight, and in engineering (basically maintenance- the guys who fix things that break in the hotel, only one on overnight).I’m writing in for the second time bc I’m suspended for being tardy one minute over the grace period bc my boss hates me for challenging him on stuff like the breaks. I mentioned this to HR disputing my suspension bc I’m one minute over the tardy grace period and they’re suspending me when they take 30 minutes of paid time on a daily basis and they’re doing an “investigation”- apparently one happened a…

Just what it says, we work in a big hotel but often times in the multiple bars there’s only one bartender on staff, we can’t actually take a break, servers do the same thing for lack of having anyone to cover their tables, it’s also common at front desk and security when only one person is on overnight, and in engineering (basically maintenance- the guys who fix things that break in the hotel, only one on overnight).I’m writing in for the second time bc I’m suspended for being tardy one minute over the grace period bc my boss hates me for challenging him on stuff like the breaks. I mentioned this to HR disputing my suspension bc I’m one minute over the tardy grace period and they’re suspending me when they take 30 minutes of paid time on a daily basis and they’re doing an “investigation”- apparently one happened a few years ago during COVID when I was on furlough (but different HR staff then) and ended up w everyone getting paid for 2 years back pay bc HR said that’s all they could go back. This only applied to F and B departments and not further departments. I’m wondering if everyone who got paid had to sign an NDA and agree to not sue- my former coworker called me and told me she created the investigation when she was suspended for having a walk out while she was on break. She asked me not to mention it to them. Should I just reach out to attorneys? I want to, but think that I don’t really have a case being only one person. I think that most people that work there are afraid to speak out against the company, and in F and B we mostly make money from tips, so it isn’t as big of a deal for most of the department to lose 4$ a day from a break that we’re forced to clock out from. Do I need a lot of people behind me for a class action ( and is that the only way) , or should I just reach out to an attorney as a single person?

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