
Worked my ass off going above and beyond and got F all for it.

I work as a delivery driver delivering parts. When I started a year and a half ago, I was hired at $.75 above minimum wage. I worked my ass off emptying garbage, putting away stock, sweeping the back and even sweeping the pine needles out of the parking lot. After 6 months when the annual reviews are done, on a scale a 1 being highest and 4 being lowest, they gave me straight 3's while complimenting me for going above and beyond and being a hard worker and then gave me a $.20 raise. THEN, this year, after a further year, I didnt even get the review because they “ran out of time” and got a $0 raise because the minimum wage increased to $.50 more than I was making so they called the federally required minimum wage increase our raise. I now do not do anything beyond driving and…

I work as a delivery driver delivering parts. When I started a year and a half ago, I was hired at $.75 above minimum wage. I worked my ass off emptying garbage, putting away stock, sweeping the back and even sweeping the pine needles out of the parking lot. After 6 months when the annual reviews are done, on a scale a 1 being highest and 4 being lowest, they gave me straight 3's while complimenting me for going above and beyond and being a hard worker and then gave me a $.20 raise.
THEN, this year, after a further year, I didnt even get the review because they “ran out of time” and got a $0 raise because the minimum wage increased to $.50 more than I was making so they called the federally required minimum wage increase our raise.
I now do not do anything beyond driving and delivering since there is literally no reward for it.
Fuck these greedy companies that don't even pay enough to rent an apartment yet constantly complain about how they can't keep employees. 80% of the people who worked here when I started 1.5 years ago left and got replaced, some multiple times.

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