
Workers have to pay for massive corruption & collusion in 2020 & 2021

At the beginning of the COVID era, both parties colluded with their corporate sponsors to print trillions of dollars, not to help average joe but to pump corporate earnings & stock prices to all-time highs. Ordinary workers saved money, not because they were part of this printing extravaganza but because they didn't travel, party, buy clothing, or simply didn't live for 2 years. While Trump & all top politicians who got COVID were blessed by miracle pharma potions, ordinary joes were left to choose between death or paying rent. That changed our perspective on life & work; they now want to change it back. Corporations started colluding again & jacking up prices which were a win-win! With inflation going crazy, now the Fed who sold all their stocks in September 2021 at the highest prices ever & somehow had many billionaires do the same at the same time, wants to…

At the beginning of the COVID era, both parties colluded with their corporate sponsors to print trillions of dollars, not to help average joe but to pump corporate earnings & stock prices to all-time highs.

Ordinary workers saved money, not because they were part of this printing extravaganza but because they didn't travel, party, buy clothing, or simply didn't live for 2 years.

While Trump & all top politicians who got COVID were blessed by miracle pharma potions, ordinary joes were left to choose between death or paying rent. That changed our perspective on life & work; they now want to change it back.

Corporations started colluding again & jacking up prices which were a win-win! With inflation going crazy, now the Fed who sold all their stocks in September 2021 at the highest prices ever & somehow had many billionaires do the same at the same time, wants to “discipline workers” & tame inflation! Same inflation that they claimed was transitory (in 2021) & even deeply needed (in 2020)!

Listen to Fed speakers, they constantly say they want to destroy savings, increase unemployment & force retirees to come back & help their corporate overlords! The same corporations who gave nothing back to workers when they were showered in cash but now are the first to jump on layoffs & forcing workers to work 24/7!

The last scene of this disgusting circus was Biden's union busting with support from both parties! They could have given basic rights to all workers instead but no, let's bust unions & violate the constitutional rights to make sure workers pay the price.

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