
Working at Staples is Hell

I used to work at Staples in Charlotte, NC and it absolutely sucked, especially during the back to school season. Back to school season is the busiest time of year and we commonly needed four cashiers to check people out. After a long day of checking people out I was burned out and ready to head home but unfortunately we have to stay and clean up after we close. Because it was back to school season I’d have a thousand returns to put back at the end of the night and cleaning all of our employees headsets is also a pain in the ass as well as taking out all the trash and vacuuming the entire store. We normally close at 9 but just because we are scheduled to work until 9 doesn’t mean that we clock out at 9. It means that we work a closing shift and we…

I used to work at Staples in Charlotte, NC and it absolutely sucked, especially during the back to school season. Back to school season is the busiest time of year and we commonly needed four cashiers to check people out. After a long day of checking people out I was burned out and ready to head home but unfortunately we have to stay and clean up after we close. Because it was back to school season I’d have a thousand returns to put back at the end of the night and cleaning all of our employees headsets is also a pain in the ass as well as taking out all the trash and vacuuming the entire store. We normally close at 9 but just because we are scheduled to work until 9 doesn’t mean that we clock out at 9. It means that we work a closing shift and we have to stay and clean up and do all the things I mentioned above. During back to school, we usually did not end up going home until 10:30. I had to deal with a lot of rude customers there as well. It’s hot as hell here in summer in Charlotte, NC and temperatures commonly reach 95+ yet our manager will not allow us to wear shorts. He only lets us wear jeans which is very stupid. It is torture for me to wear jeans in this kind of weather. We only get a 10% discount which is absolutely pathetic. Don’t get me wrong I liked some of the people I worked with. My manger was very nice to me and he always admired that I sold a lot of school supply donation boxes to help kids who can’t afford school supplies as well as selling many protection plans on electronics and chairs. Thanks to me I always put our store in the lead as far as donation box sales in our region. This location would not have gotten anywhere close to the top of that list without me. My manager would also always schedule me for closing shifts to 10:30 5 days a week during back to school and that was also torture for me and sometimes he would even have me working closing shifts one day and then opening shifts the next day and that was awful too cause then I got little to no sleep and I was always so tired because of that. This is all at the cost of me making only $12 an hour. After a while, I just decided that it wasn’t worth it so then I just quit. I feel like I wasn’t getting paid enough for everything I had to put up with. I would go back but not for less than $15 an hour plus 20% commission on every protection plan and donation box I sell.

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