
working for a delivery

I m20 started a new job to earn some pocket money at the beginning of this year. At the beginning it was ok since the company expanded in my area and there wasn’t much to do. It was a company delivering meds to people and I went by bike. They didn’t give me a bicycle as their ad for the job stated neither did we really have a hub to stay in. Instead we had to use our own bikes and often waited outside while not delivering stuff. We were like 4 people at shifts which was fine. But then they fired a lot of people, cut our shifts and just made people doing shifts alone. They often did this on evening shifts which were more crowded while also expanding the area we delivered by a ridiculous amount of time. So one day I had to work alone for the…

I m20 started a new job to earn some pocket money at the beginning of this year. At the beginning it was ok since the company expanded in my area and there wasn’t much to do. It was a company delivering meds to people and I went by bike. They didn’t give me a bicycle as their ad for the job stated neither did we really have a hub to stay in. Instead we had to use our own bikes and often waited outside while not delivering stuff. We were like 4 people at shifts which was fine.

But then they fired a lot of people, cut our shifts and just made people doing shifts alone. They often did this on evening shifts which were more crowded while also expanding the area we delivered by a ridiculous amount of time.

So one day I had to work alone for the evening shift and I got delivery after delivery and they were far away and coming in faster then I was able to deliver. I knew I wasn’t going to be able to deliver all of that in time and contacted the guy in charge of organizing a few hours before my shift was going to end and I told him what’s going on several times. I told him i needded help and wasnt able to do all that stuff in even close to the time my shift was going. Instead of doing anything about it he just said “stay calm, take your time, one step at once” and other meaningless phrases.

I basically was returning from a delivery and I wouldn’t make it to the pharmacy in time before it closes and my shift ends. So instead of cancelling the orders which were 6 this asshole actually called the pharmacy and convinced the pharmacists to keep it open till I arrive.

He told me that 10 minutes before I was going to log out when I asked him about me logging out because he didn’t tell me anything by himself. So he wanted me to just deliver all these orders which would force me to work till past 1am when my shifts was supposed to end at 10 pm. He then offered me to talk to someone else from the company and maybe find a solution but the woman I was talking to then also just told me it would be nice to deliver it and that the people need the meds a lot. She tried to guilt me into delivering it but I just told her there’s no way I’m gonna do that and I want to quit at the next time possible. So I just logged out and went home.

Another guy at the company who was more or less my boss I guess (honestly I don’t know who was in charge of who because their system is just stupid and they are a startup and brand new) then berated me saying I intentionally tried to sabotage the company and do harm to their business while also claiming I didn’t cooperate with anyone and beeing stubborn and not willing to talk to anyone to which I responded that I tried to talk to two people who did nothing but say meaningless phrases in return to my concerns.

After some back and forth I decided to leave it at that and not to argue with an idiot twice as old as me who excactly knew the truth and just tried to make me feel guilty and then finally quit. He kept annoying me with stuff like forcing me to deliver my equipment to a point further away when I could have just put it to the hub from where I got it which was way less away. Really stupid guy ….

So then they basically had almost no drivers left and struggled to man their shits at work.

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