
“Working interview”

Okay, who all has been to a working interview? I went to my first today and it was awful. It was at a doggy daycare and the manager left me alone with the dogs almost immediately to go smoke and kept leaving. When I asked if this would be the entirety of the interview (standing there by myself watching the dogs, she asked maybe two questions) and she said yes because they had a call out and it would be FIVE HOURS! I asked since I was covering someone's shift if I got paid and they acted like I was crazy! I said it wasn't going to work and they basically told me to leave. She said I didn't understand working interviews, I said they seemed to be looking for free labor. I could hear her badmouth me as I left. Am I crazy or is this normal??? I'll admit…

Okay, who all has been to a working interview? I went to my first today and it was awful. It was at a doggy daycare and the manager left me alone with the dogs almost immediately to go smoke and kept leaving. When I asked if this would be the entirety of the interview (standing there by myself watching the dogs, she asked maybe two questions) and she said yes because they had a call out and it would be FIVE HOURS!

I asked since I was covering someone's shift if I got paid and they acted like I was crazy! I said it wasn't going to work and they basically told me to leave. She said I didn't understand working interviews, I said they seemed to be looking for free labor. I could hear her badmouth me as I left. Am I crazy or is this normal??? I'll admit I'm the kind to lose my patience so maybe I was overreacting but five hours of one simple task seems overboard, right? They had it posted for BELOW minimum wage, I didn't even get far enough to ask for minimum.

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