
Workplace Harassment and the Return of the Perp

I'm in my late 20's and I'm about 4 months into my new job. A new colleague (In his late mid to late 50's) came onboard. I was elated that we got along well, because it would provide workload-relief. I was told we'd be working closely on a lot of upcoming projects. Within 3 days of his commencement, he had made multiple inappropriate comments, or just generally made me uncomfortable with the topics he would choose to bring up. The last straw was when he offered me massages and ultimately said he was falling in love with me and touched me around the waist without my consent. I knew this would cause a stir and so I was reluctant to bring it to attention, but I also feared the behaviour could get worse. I was encouraged to escalate it and so I did. Unfortunately the only witness who could've possibly…

I'm in my late 20's and I'm about 4 months into my new job. A new colleague (In his late mid to late 50's) came onboard. I was elated that we got along well, because it would provide workload-relief. I was told we'd be working closely on a lot of upcoming projects.

Within 3 days of his commencement, he had made multiple inappropriate comments, or just generally made me uncomfortable with the topics he would choose to bring up. The last straw was when he offered me massages and ultimately said he was falling in love with me and touched me around the waist without my consent.

I knew this would cause a stir and so I was reluctant to bring it to attention, but I also feared the behaviour could get worse. I was encouraged to escalate it and so I did.

Unfortunately the only witness who could've possibly heard the inappropriate comments was not paying attention at the time and the other incidents occurred outside without any witnesses.

The perp was immediately stood down and an investigation ensued. My company chose to do a formal investigation aided by Lawyers and the outcome has just been revealed.

Apparently my claims could not be substantiated and the perp will be reinstated back into the workplace but we will both have to partake in training on the “Bullying in the workplace, Discrimination and Sexual harassment” policies, as well as attend a mediation.

Call me what you will, but I absolutely refuse to see this man again, on any kind of terms.

My company want me to sign paperwork agreeing to have the mediation and a psychological evaluation, as they think this incident was impairing my ability to conduct my job effectively. This was the case after the incident occurred, but I have since mentally recovered and about 2 months has elapsed since then. I have received an outpour of support from friends and family which had/has assisted me in recovering. I don't believe there is an issue with my ability to work at this point in time.

My agreeing to this mediation would allow them to bring him back to the workplace.

I enjoy my job and I get along well with everyone so I don't particularly want to leave.

it's just super disappointing that the people in charge of the investigation would go to such lengths to reassure me and then give me the worst possible outcome, just so they can avoid a legal dispute and save money.

If I end up having to leave, I would like give them a big “Fuck you”, But I'm not sure how.

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