
Workplace is too hot, employer refuses to fix ac, to whom/how can I report this

I work in food service at a semi-big corporation, as a shift lead. The ac in our kitchen has been broken for years, and our employer doesn't seem to care to fix it. This year tempuratures in our kitchen have been reaching 105+ degrees. Last night one of my best workers, was throwing up and sobbing uncontrollably due to heat exhaustion, she attempted to call our emergency nurse hotline and received an answering machine… We've all complained and made those in charge aware of this problem and they still have yet to even send someone to look at it. I feel helpless and infuriated, what are my options. Quitting only solves my problem and I still leave behind my suffering coworkers.

I work in food service at a semi-big corporation, as a shift lead. The ac in our kitchen has been broken for years, and our employer doesn't seem to care to fix it. This year tempuratures in our kitchen have been reaching 105+ degrees. Last night one of my best workers, was throwing up and sobbing uncontrollably due to heat exhaustion, she attempted to call our emergency nurse hotline and received an answering machine… We've all complained and made those in charge aware of this problem and they still have yet to even send someone to look at it. I feel helpless and infuriated, what are my options. Quitting only solves my problem and I still leave behind my suffering coworkers.

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