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Last week I[33f] got hired in a Care position for an elderly lady. My job mostly consisted of cleaning her apartment for her and building her furniture, which isn't part of the job but I was happy to help her. I liked her as a person and it's an easy job I can work around my kids school schedules. It is my second job. I walk about an hour to get to work each way. Today, it rained and was cold the whole way down to her house. She knows I walk down as soon as I get the kids off to school. I do not have a car or other transportation so walking it is which is fine. However, when I arrived at her apartment today, she didn't answer the door. Her dog was barking like mad at my knocks and I heard her shouting at him to be…

Last week I[33f] got hired in a Care position for an elderly lady. My job mostly consisted of cleaning her apartment for her and building her furniture, which isn't part of the job but I was happy to help her. I liked her as a person and it's an easy job I can work around my kids school schedules. It is my second job.

I walk about an hour to get to work each way. Today, it rained and was cold the whole way down to her house. She knows I walk down as soon as I get the kids off to school. I do not have a car or other transportation so walking it is which is fine.

However, when I arrived at her apartment today, she didn't answer the door. Her dog was barking like mad at my knocks and I heard her shouting at him to be quiet so it's not like she was hurt in there or something. She was just ghosting me. I waited a bit, knocked several times and said her name loudly. No answer.

So I left. Contacted the company I'm contracted through and told them what happened. She didn't answer for them either. They said she never complained about me to them so they didn't know what was going on with her.

I accepted that I was, in essence, fired, and moved on with my day. I even started to get excited I could spend the summer with my kids instead of working two jobs. I can support us on the pay from my first job.

At about 430 this afternoon i get a text from her apologizing and saying she doesn't feel well. I think that's no excuse for letting me walk in the rain to get to her house, only to ignore me once I got there. She could have texted or called me or the company I work through to tell me not to come down. I almost don't even want to work with her anymore, after this. I have not replied to her message.

But two people have told me I should give it another shot. That we need the money to save up for a car.

I'm on the fence and wouldn't mind some input.

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