
Wrote what I call ‘The Worker Drone’ folk song/rhyme/skit the other night. Enjoy ;

It’s 5am time to – (wait wtf, no) It’s 6am time to originate the day. First we’ll exercise, cause endorphins yay. Stink, poop, shower, toast and we’re away. Time to join the coffee que’s just like yesterday traffic jams, gonna make me late why the fuck did that guy change his lane, just to slow down, anyway swipe my card, thumbs up to security elevator, hope no one farts, ding and out, we’re ok. (phew) In the door, for a brew. Coffee. (YEAH!) And a chat with drew Jeanine’s got boy problems again, wow, who knew? Computer on. Time for reddit. 5 minutes to load, and were good to go 3 hours of work, and I’ll call it a day, I’d rather be be on reddit anwyay. There’s cake in the break room just like yesterday. Guess I don’t care if I get fat anyways Watch the clock, time for…

It’s 5am time to – (wait wtf, no) It’s 6am time to originate the day. First we’ll exercise, cause endorphins yay. Stink, poop, shower, toast and we’re away. Time to join the coffee que’s just like yesterday traffic jams, gonna make me late why the fuck did that guy change his lane, just to slow down, anyway swipe my card, thumbs up to security elevator, hope no one farts, ding and out, we’re ok. (phew) In the door, for a brew. Coffee. (YEAH!) And a chat with drew Jeanine’s got boy problems again, wow, who knew? Computer on. Time for reddit. 5 minutes to load, and were good to go 3 hours of work, and I’ll call it a day, I’d rather be be on reddit anwyay. There’s cake in the break room just like yesterday. Guess I don’t care if I get fat anyways Watch the clock, time for a brew, watch the clock, what’s up with drew. Phew it’s 5pm thought it would never come. Ninja time, here comes boss, with some work for you. Some like to kiss ass, stay on late, you do you, but I’ve got a life and I’m gonna skate “Sorry I’ve got a dog and I’ve got to go” and through the door, down to join the que (traffic) cause I wanna get home, just like you. But what the hell, it’s been a long day, might as well get some kfc, on the way. Home sweet home, pjs no bra, hit play cause it’s netflix and chill everyday. To bed at 10pm, and wtf you say. Where did my day go? Just like yesterday. Monday till Friday this is all I do, paid $15 an hour, boss hey fuck you. You make a dollar, I make a dime, trading creature comforts, for youth and time. And when I’m old and my teeth fall out, should have planned your life better, you’ll all shout. While you sleep on super yahts, while the world crumbles, and the lights go out. But I’m going off on a tangent, now it’s saturday. Fucking finally, time to play. But there’s chores to do, and bill to pay. Literally, but it’s saturday. Appointments to keep, cause for the billionaires, we live our lives this way. All is done, time for a nap, wake up 3 hours later and it’s 5pm holy crap. Not like I wanted to get an early night in, anyways. Sundays here, time for a rest. But there’s so much to, with the time that’s left. Because it’ll be Monday soon, time to do all the things, time to go go go. DO you think there’s time for me to get down to mexico? Because I feel like with some adderall, I could go go go. Make good use of my time, like all those insta-hoes’. Bringing down my self‍ esteem with every post. Of how they’re working 1 hour a week in Bali. But that they swear there down to earth just life you and me. I’d like to join those skinny bitches on the beach #blessed but I don’t think I could live my life, just on likes and celery. Hey there now, were did the day go. Guess I better get on, get ready for Monday. Cos no other fuckers gonna pay the bills, #broke. My life, really is a joke. Wish I was rich. No not really aye, just enough, not to slave away. Maybe live in Bali, on the cheap, hope I don’t accidentally eat dog, from the carts, on the street. Get a massage, pool and sleep, don’t need no grog, #temple Eat, a veggie burger, next to miss celery (skinny bitch). But who am I kidding, gotta slave away, and make that bread, cashed up bogan, one powerball away. Holy shit don’t tell me it’s Monday. _______

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