
Wtf is stopping companies from paying their employees more than minimum wage?

I mean this in the sense that it’s insane to me how much fucking work people put into minimum wage jobs. I have nothing but the utmost respect for minimum wage workers and the shit they have to go through. Shitty bosses, shitty coworkers and worst of all, customers. These big wigs get to sit at the top of their thrones while their little minions do all the actual hard labor and get royally fucked because of it. The whole American economy is fucked as a whole. Why am I busting my ass off at a retail job lifting heavy ass boxes just because I’m “big and strong” while my boss gets to comfortably sit in his office probably jerking off. What happened to power to the people? Why do we allow these big gas companies to choose how much they want us “the people” to spend on gasoline and…

I mean this in the sense that it’s insane to me how much fucking work people put into minimum wage jobs. I have nothing but the utmost respect for minimum wage workers and the shit they have to go through. Shitty bosses, shitty coworkers and worst of all, customers. These big wigs get to sit at the top of their thrones while their little minions do all the actual hard labor and get royally fucked because of it. The whole American economy is fucked as a whole. Why am I busting my ass off at a retail job lifting heavy ass boxes just because I’m “big and strong” while my boss gets to comfortably sit in his office probably jerking off. What happened to power to the people? Why do we allow these big gas companies to choose how much they want us “the people” to spend on gasoline and thus effectively raising the cost of all other items across the U.S. Its totally fucked. This system is so fucked it’s insane. Anyone getting out of high school or in their early to mid twenties or hell, even thirties fucking struggle and I mean STRUGGLE to afford anything these days. Want a home? That’ll cost you an arm and a leg oh and your will to live. Want that car to drive to work? You gotta work for 500billion hours to afford a car and 100million more hours to afford gas and car insurance and maintenance and a place to park it. Don’t want to work a minimum wage job? Go spend 10000fuckbutttillion on a worthless piece of paper that might not even guarantee a job after 666years of studying and depression. The people at the top will stay at the top. I believe in hard work and true success, but that shit is rare these days and it’s slowly getting worse and is less accessible for newer generations. I KNOW for a fact that the “higher ups” at these big companies, gas companies and hell, even hospitals don’t give a single FUCK about you as a human being. They just see you how mr crabs sees SpongeBob. Why the hell are health care companies business owned anyways??? They all get to raise the prices however they want and the government doesn’t do shit about it. What as a society are we doing to change things? Is their any hope for future generations much like myself? (20M)

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