
WWYD, Senior Management asked me to justify our unit’s existence

For context, I'm a first level manager of a small team in a large state government agency. We do operations, project planning and logistics for contracts between our agency and others. Been here several years, since the unit was brand new. My team and I regularly put in 50-60 hours/week. Got called into a meeting the other day with my 2nd level supervisor. She informed me that there were complaints (recurring) from others in our department about our unit's performance, to the point where there were discussions about eliminating our unit. We do project planning and oversight, so my team is the one assigning due dates, following up, facilitating and checking/editing/polishing others' work. So, of course, everyone hates us because we bring them work, nag them to stay on timelines, and proof their work, thereby creating accountability. During the conversation, it became crystal clear that my boss is not on…

For context, I'm a first level manager of a small team in a large state government agency. We do operations, project planning and logistics for contracts between our agency and others. Been here several years, since the unit was brand new. My team and I regularly put in 50-60 hours/week.

Got called into a meeting the other day with my 2nd level supervisor. She informed me that there were complaints (recurring) from others in our department about our unit's performance, to the point where there were discussions about eliminating our unit. We do project planning and oversight, so my team is the one assigning due dates, following up, facilitating and checking/editing/polishing others' work. So, of course, everyone hates us because we bring them work, nag them to stay on timelines, and proof their work, thereby creating accountability.

During the conversation, it became crystal clear that my boss is not on the same page as OUR boss about whether our job is quality control/accountability (what my boss wants…take the time to ensure everything is perfect) and his boss, who seems to think our job should making things easier/quicker for others. In other words, one wants us to go deep, one wants us to go fast. And yup, we get screwed. Anyway, her comment was, “I don't even know why we have XXXXX unit.” and then she asked me for copies of all of our work products, documentation of processes, etc. I've repeatedly asked for performance metrics, clear guidelines on expectations. I had had a 1-1 meeting with my boss the day before where he expressed he thought everything was headed in a good direction (as he has always said) and the next day I'm being told we're so worthless that our entire business function might get eliminated.

TLDR: WWYD if your senior leadership asked you to prove your job function even needs to exist?

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