
y’all wanna hear some shit?!

So for context I work as a driving instructor. I'm a contractor with absolutely no control over my own schedule or benefits or PTO. The only thing I have going for me is my financial compensation $22 an hour. I asked for two days off to spend time with my family in Christmas Eve and day. They tried to negotiate with me saying if I took those days off they need me to work 7 days straight the week before and after. I told them that as a contractual employee I'm allowed to have a say in my schedule and I wasn't comfortable with that. So then they call me. They gaslit the shit out of me saying my comment was threatening and hostile and basically forced me to apologize for standing up for myself. After all was said and done I got the days off I wanted and I…

So for context I work as a driving instructor. I'm a contractor with absolutely no control over my own schedule or benefits or PTO. The only thing I have going for me is my financial compensation $22 an hour.

I asked for two days off to spend time with my family in Christmas Eve and day. They tried to negotiate with me saying if I took those days off they need me to work 7 days straight the week before and after.

I told them that as a contractual employee I'm allowed to have a say in my schedule and I wasn't comfortable with that. So then they call me.

They gaslit the shit out of me saying my comment was threatening and hostile and basically forced me to apologize for standing up for myself. After all was said and done I got the days off I wanted and I thought we were good.

Then not 20 minutes after our call they kicked me out of the holiday party invite I had already RSVP'd too. This is some serious childish tantrum shit.

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