
Yay! I made “the list”

A little more than a year ago I was fired from a job I had since 1994. It was just PT. We got a new supervisor who had already banned one staff member from 1 location and then I reported her (the supervisor) to HR for threats and verbal abuse. I ended up getting fired and banned as well. Well now I’m on the special list the company created that doesn’t allow any of their currently employed staff members to talk to me! Given the type of job it is I do run into staff members a few times each year. They have been told not to speak to me (or others that made the special list) and that they are being watched and if they do speak to us, then they’ll be fire too. The worst part is, no one quits, they go to work daily with the fear…

A little more than a year ago I was fired from a job I had since 1994. It was just PT. We got a new supervisor who had already banned one staff member from 1 location and then I reported her (the supervisor) to HR for threats and verbal abuse. I ended up getting fired and banned as well.

Well now I’m on the special list the company created that doesn’t allow any of their currently employed staff members to talk to me! Given the type of job it is I do run into staff members a few times each year. They have been told not to speak to me (or others that made the special list) and that they are being watched and if they do speak to us, then they’ll be fire too. The worst part is, no one quits, they go to work daily with the fear of the company and being fired.

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