
Yearly merit increase was a joke

So to preface I work remotely for a rather big Healthcare company. We get yearly raises and this years felt like “the office pizza party” I've been working for the company for almost 3 years now. In this time I have switched departments 3 times, been crosstrained in 4 different departments and have been made a “trainer” With the department switching I was told that there was no difference in pay – my official work title has not changed. I have taken on 3x the work since I was originally hired and it is just overwhelming at times. Last year I wad awarded with a .53 raise which at the time was great. It put me a decent bit over the local entry level wage and I was happy. I did not qualify for the cost of living increase that was given out due to not being at the company…

So to preface I work remotely for a rather big Healthcare company. We get yearly raises and this years felt like “the office pizza party”

I've been working for the company for almost 3 years now. In this time I have switched departments 3 times, been crosstrained in 4 different departments and have been made a “trainer” With the department switching I was told that there was no difference in pay – my official work title has not changed. I have taken on 3x the work since I was originally hired and it is just overwhelming at times.

Last year I wad awarded with a .53 raise which at the time was great. It put me a decent bit over the local entry level wage and I was happy. I did not qualify for the cost of living increase that was given out due to not being at the company long enough. Our yearly merit increases were pushed out this week and what do you know….. a .54 cent increase! The company did give out cost of living increases, but to only a few select roles in the company. I checked Indeed during the meeting I was having with my supervisor and entry level new hires are making more than I am. I brought it up to her and it was brushed off to the side.

This morning I clocked into work with a sour taste in my mouth about the whole situation. I emailed my supervisors boss (who I have only talked to once over a team's meeting) and the response was the most bureaucratic bullshit I have heard. I brought up how rent has increased as well as inflation. Bringing up the fact that 3 of my coworkers have quit within the last 3 weeks and moved out of state to live somewhere else with a cheaper cost of living, I brought up the issue with new hires making more than people that have been there for multiple years…. for nothing. The response just looked like a copy and paste reply.

Now the job hunt begins again. Once I get a interview with something that sounds good I will give them my two weeks notice. It is just sad that the company itself does not want to keep workers that enjoy the work that they do.

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