
Yet Another lowball job offer..

I have over 20 years experience in my line of work. A family friend in sales took it upon themselves to pass my contact info onto some welding shops I would never work at. This morning I get a phone call at 730am and stupidly I didn't have my phone on silent, and I answered. Its some loudmouth tough guy on the line asking me if I wanted to work at his fantastic shop and how he needs skilled welders and how everyone else sucks and he's the best. Right away I ask “what are you offering?” He tells me its $21/ hr to start i laugh and say no thanks I got a union job offer for $85/hr. I guess he got mad and yelled a bit and told me no one is worth that much and im lying. I explained that I'm not lying and if he wants…

I have over 20 years experience in my line of work. A family friend in sales took it upon themselves to pass my contact info onto some welding shops I would never work at. This morning I get a phone call at 730am and stupidly I didn't have my phone on silent, and I answered. Its some loudmouth tough guy on the line asking me if I wanted to work at his fantastic shop and how he needs skilled welders and how everyone else sucks and he's the best. Right away I ask “what are you offering?” He tells me its $21/ hr to start i laugh and say no thanks I got a union job offer for $85/hr. I guess he got mad and yelled a bit and told me no one is worth that much and im lying. I explained that I'm not lying and if he wants a good employee then he has to pay a bit more, also telling him that first year apprentices get paid better than he's offering. I shit you not the guy tells me that everyone is entitled and lazy and hangs up. It was a good day. Don't be afraid of asking for what you are worth and don't be afraid of hurting some feelings.

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