
You all gonna love this . I am just lost for words at this point

Before I start English is my 3rd language but I do work in US and i am a citizen. I am working in a place for over 5 years atm . It is a huge bis with many many locations worldwide and we have locations in US as well. I started out working there thx for knowing the actual owner thx to my family . I was hired never got promoted btw in my job. But i paid i guess alright nothing crazy but decent for hours i work. I only work 37 hours a week with 2 days off. But over years i feel this place always wanted to get rid of me prob due to my salary which isnt mega high but above average than what they prob would want to pay . But thx to my family connections they are not allowed to fire me . But…

Before I start English is my 3rd language but I do work in US and i am a citizen.

I am working in a place for over 5 years atm . It is a huge bis with many many locations worldwide and we have locations in US as well. I started out working there thx for knowing the actual owner thx to my family . I was hired never got promoted btw in my job. But i paid i guess alright nothing crazy but decent for hours i work. I only work 37 hours a week with 2 days off.

But over years i feel this place always wanted to get rid of me prob due to my salary which isnt mega high but above average than what they prob would want to pay . But thx to my family connections they are not allowed to fire me . But few days ago i asked for 1 days off and since there is a holiday that usually my work place is closed . I basically got 2 days off. 1 day off from my boss and another day from fact our work place is closed. Keep in mind for last 5 years.

today got a phone call to come tomorrow on religious holiday to do few things. I said i made plan and wont able to come and i said why while everyone be home i have to come and work???? . so my boss said fine we ended this . 1 min later get a phone call from one of our higher up that i need to come since i missed work today . i told him my boss gave me a day off. He said it is important and i have to find time to finish it . I said if it was important they should send it earlier and left it on that. Keep in mind all those people always acting like my friend but i know they all snakes . it is just today it showed even more than usual.

I do not plan to show up. What are rules regarding religious holidays in US ? Btw i get salary so i pay no matter i show up or not.

I feel i get pushed all the time but today was an absurd

Just one last thing i told my boss if you do not like it pls fire me on spot . he they afraid to fire me they know the wrath that will come by fire someone like me & the connections they will lose if i am gone from this company . my job not important enough i am not CEO though i do important role . But my connections is what really matters for them yet they never value the good work i do for them . I do work well though i could easily sit all day play video games wont change my position .

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