
You don’t have time for all these extra tasks? Guess we will force you to do them!

I’m so fucking done with my job. I’ve been at this company for maybe 7 months. The work we do is very high stress and high stakes, one mistake could cost a client hundreds of thousands. Within my brief time here, I’ve seen 7 people on my team alone resign. Of course these employees were not replaced and the scope of my role just got larger and larger. We voiced concerns about our workload compromising the quality of our regular duties. We voiced concerns about burnout and how this is affecting us. Employees calling in sick has become much more frequent. We eventually stopped taking on too much and just did what we had time to do (on top of our own regularly assigned duties mind you, we were simply prioritizing the work we were hired to do). Our rationale is that we needed to stop burning ourselves out and…

I’m so fucking done with my job. I’ve been at this company for maybe 7 months. The work we do is very high stress and high stakes, one mistake could cost a client hundreds of thousands. Within my brief time here, I’ve seen 7 people on my team alone resign. Of course these employees were not replaced and the scope of my role just got larger and larger.

We voiced concerns about our workload compromising the quality of our regular duties. We voiced concerns about burnout and how this is affecting us. Employees calling in sick has become much more frequent. We eventually stopped taking on too much and just did what we had time to do (on top of our own regularly assigned duties mind you, we were simply prioritizing the work we were hired to do). Our rationale is that we needed to stop burning ourselves out and allow things to slip so management can actually identify there is a problem with this workload.

Management decided in order to fix this there will be a 2 hour block on Fridays dedicated to finishing up all this extra work out on our shoulders. We communicated that this does not address or resolve our issue because we simply do not have enough time to do the work of 8 people as a team with only half the manpower. Their response? Everybody must now be sat down at their work station to begin an hour long meeting at 9am every single day to do these tasks, effectively taking 5 hours away from each of us per week. If we leave this meeting early (even if we have nothing to follow up on) we are reprimanded.

This morning two of my colleagues burst into tears on our morning Teams call. By the end of the day I had broke down into tears on a call with my manager (who is not the problem, it’s upper management). I absolutely hate this. I am honestly disgusted with this treatment and wonder if I should go to HR with my concerns. Part of me also just wants to fucking quit and not bother fighting for a company that has been so incredibly awful.

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