
You guys…I quit my job!

I just gave notice at what had become a toxic and dispiriting workplace. There was a bizarre combination of constant, haphazard changes and suffocating micromanagement. I'm leaving for a job that will pay 25% more, allow me to manage my own time, and give me the freedom to run my own department. Thanks to this sub, I negotiated with my new employer for a much better deal than I would've gotten otherwise. When the new year started, I set a goal of quitting by June, and I'm ahead of schedule. Thanks for letting me share.

I just gave notice at what had become a toxic and dispiriting workplace. There was a bizarre combination of constant, haphazard changes and suffocating micromanagement. I'm leaving for a job that will pay 25% more, allow me to manage my own time, and give me the freedom to run my own department. Thanks to this sub, I negotiated with my new employer for a much better deal than I would've gotten otherwise. When the new year started, I set a goal of quitting by June, and I'm ahead of schedule.

Thanks for letting me share.

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