
You know what really grinds my gears?

Job listings with no listed pay or those that say “up to”. I'm looking to quit my school bus job for obvious reasons – pay, no benefits, stress, pay…. did I mention no benefits? I've put out over 20 applications the past few weeks and every one of them either don't show ANY pay listed on the posting, or they use that common phrase “up to”. Those two tell me one thing – they pay crap wages. So many people are struggling to make ends meet, and job listings are just treating hiring like a game. They can't be forthcoming with the reality because it'll automatically turn off any potential applicants. Also shows they don't care about wasting our time either. /r

Job listings with no listed pay or those that say “up to”.

I'm looking to quit my school bus job for obvious reasons – pay, no benefits, stress, pay…. did I mention no benefits?

I've put out over 20 applications the past few weeks and every one of them either don't show ANY pay listed on the posting, or they use that common phrase “up to”. Those two tell me one thing – they pay crap wages. So many people are struggling to make ends meet, and job listings are just treating hiring like a game. They can't be forthcoming with the reality because it'll automatically turn off any potential applicants. Also shows they don't care about wasting our time either. /r

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