

I worked at a brewery locally for a few shifts to cover for a friend who spoke with management about me covering for them. The management obliged with the idea I filled out all the usual employee information w-4 all that fun stuff. After I completed the shifts and it was time for payment I went in to get my check and was told it was not avaible at the time the accountant was sick apparently and would be back the next day. Next day I show up ask for my paycheck and it’s far less money as well as the hours were incorrect. I mentioned this to the bartender behind the counter and asked if I could speak with the manager to get everything situated. The bartender defensively goes “hey man he said he took care of it apparently you quit and that was the only shift you worked”…

I worked at a brewery locally for a few shifts to cover for a friend who spoke with management about me covering for them. The management obliged with the idea I filled out all the usual employee information w-4 all that fun stuff. After I completed the shifts and it was time for payment I went in to get my check and was told it was not avaible at the time the accountant was sick apparently and would be back the next day. Next day I show up ask for my paycheck and it’s far less money as well as the hours were incorrect. I mentioned this to the bartender behind the counter and asked if I could speak with the manager to get everything situated. The bartender defensively goes “hey man he said he took care of it apparently you quit and that was the only shift you worked” I said no problem buddy I understand this is uncomfy for ou is there anyway I could get the bosses number and speak with him directly. He says of course and calms down a bit apologizes and says this has happened before this is just a bad situoon I’m sorry this is happening to you I hope it gets worked out. I haven’t called the manager yet but I have more than 4 pictures and videos of me being on the property and working with (thanks to Apple has dates and locations) other employees that day. I just want my money I’m owed what should I do here?

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