
Zombified Optimism

Not sure what else to call this and wanted others' thoughts… Wherever I have worked there is always this unspoken expectation that you should, no matter what, ALWAYS be optimistic. Whether it's smiling or taking a clearly bad situation and being expected to re-word it to make things look brighter, I've noticed this nonstop with jobs (in America at least). Jobs have an extremely difficult time, and often punish the worker, for expressing real opinions or their thoughts about legitimate hard conditions at work or their personal lives. I've seen every possible thing from, “suck it up”, “stop whining”, “think of the customer”, “this isn't a good image for us” — You name it. I'm curious of others' thoughts and stories on this, as if this is some malaise we all feel and is ubiquitous throughout almost all jobs.. The idea that you really can't say, “yeah I'm having a…

Not sure what else to call this and wanted others' thoughts…

Wherever I have worked there is always this unspoken expectation that you should, no matter what, ALWAYS be optimistic. Whether it's smiling or taking a clearly bad situation and being expected to re-word it to make things look brighter, I've noticed this nonstop with jobs (in America at least).

Jobs have an extremely difficult time, and often punish the worker, for expressing real opinions or their thoughts about legitimate hard conditions at work or their personal lives. I've seen every possible thing from, “suck it up”, “stop whining”, “think of the customer”, “this isn't a good image for us” — You name it.

I'm curious of others' thoughts and stories on this, as if this is some malaise we all feel and is ubiquitous throughout almost all jobs.. The idea that you really can't say, “yeah I'm having a bad day” without, basically, being punished.

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