
1% fear or 100% complacency.

These days it only seems to be people on this subreddit, a few of my friends and uncles who have had similar jobs, who get what I mean by my title. Does it seem to anyone else, that every job, regardless of what it is, should have some element of accepted trepidation or feeling like walking on eggshells with everything you do? Personally, I think I was quiet quitting before it became a “thing/trend”. I do my tasks, they certainly don't take a full 8-hour day, I watch full tv shows/listen to audiobooks and watch doco's to actually learn something, then I go home, and do this every single day. When I get paid, I say to myself “ha-ha fooled them again”. I have a constant feeling of imposter syndrome and know that if I ever want to know what actually working hard looks like, I can take my noise…

These days it only seems to be people on this subreddit, a few of my friends and uncles who have had similar jobs, who get what I mean by my title.

Does it seem to anyone else, that every job, regardless of what it is, should have some element of accepted trepidation or feeling like walking on eggshells with everything you do?

Personally, I think I was quiet quitting before it became a “thing/trend”.

I do my tasks, they certainly don't take a full 8-hour day, I watch full tv shows/listen to audiobooks and watch doco's to actually learn something, then I go home, and do this every single day. When I get paid, I say to myself “ha-ha fooled them again”.

I have a constant feeling of imposter syndrome and know that if I ever want to know what actually working hard looks like, I can take my noise cancelling headphones off, look around me and see people actually working hard, at what a proper 9-5 or potentially longer job actually looks like.

I enjoy what I am doing, but if I tell anyone what I do, and they happen to fall into the boomer category, they look at me like I just crapped in my hands and started clapping.

Anyone else they say stop complaining that sounds like the best job in the world.

I don't want to be 100% complacent, because I feel like there will be unknown consequences,

I know I have done my tasks; I ask for more work and get told there isn't any, I go back to my doco's and doomscrolling twitter/X.

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