
100+ Hour Workweeks

My husband works at a Christian camp. It’s a beautiful, year-round facility. However, the work environment is insane! During the summers he is expected to work over 100 hours/week for 12 straight weeks. During the off season he’s expected to work at least 60 hours a week. He’s in a salaried position making $40,000 a year. We live on his one income, because I stay home with our young kids. We do have housing provided at the camp. I’m so fed up with these insane expectations. We both hate it, but since we have very little in savings and live in an area with a crazy housing market we feel stuck since our housing is tied to his work.

My husband works at a Christian camp. It’s a beautiful, year-round facility. However, the work environment is insane! During the summers he is expected to work over 100 hours/week for 12 straight weeks. During the off season he’s expected to work at least 60 hours a week.

He’s in a salaried position making $40,000 a year. We live on his one income, because I stay home with our young kids. We do have housing provided at the camp.

I’m so fed up with these insane expectations. We both hate it, but since we have very little in savings and live in an area with a crazy housing market we feel stuck since our housing is tied to his work.

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