
11 Year Old Son and the Minimum Wage Talk

So today my son was asking about money and jobs. He asked how much the minimum wage is and about some odd jobs and I educated him the best I could about what current rates are where we're at. He then said he didn't think people working at wherever should get paid more than minimum wage. I asked him why. He went on to say that it's mainly teenagers and young people living there with their parents. I stopped and thought for a minute and finally asked him a question. What happens if that teenager or young persons parents die and they have to rely on their minimum wage job to pay all of their bills? Luckily, he sat and thought for minute and asked me how much it costs for bills. We did some napkin math and he just looked at me and said they don't make enough. Assumptions…

So today my son was asking about money and jobs. He asked how much the minimum wage is and about some odd jobs and I educated him the best I could about what current rates are where we're at. He then said he didn't think people working at wherever should get paid more than minimum wage.

I asked him why. He went on to say that it's mainly teenagers and young people living there with their parents. I stopped and thought for a minute and finally asked him a question.

What happens if that teenager or young persons parents die and they have to rely on their minimum wage job to pay all of their bills? Luckily, he sat and thought for minute and asked me how much it costs for bills.

We did some napkin math and he just looked at me and said they don't make enough. Assumptions where 35 hours and average apartment costs at our location.

We talked a little bit more about it and then played some GTA V (don't judge).

Not sure why I posted this, it made me sad that he had thar mindset and all I can hope is that he understands some more now.

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