
12 years and nothing

I've spent more than a quarter of my working life giving my all for my present company. Evenings, week ends, you name it. I was there. It has been my identity. I'm so sad I can rain man style recall projects from a decade ago verbatim when the server goes down, no problem. I know more about the business than the owners do. It's only in working my notice I truly understand how little they think of me. All those times I fought the corners of my team, saved client relationships, literally kept the business running during the pandemic… Nothing. I've tried so hard and worked so many unpaid hours without recognition and just had a “leaving do” my managers didn't even turn up to. Never felt so professionally worthless. Just a rant I guess. Call me gullible, but I'm the guy who will go the extra mile, be on…

I've spent more than a quarter of my working life giving my all for my present company. Evenings, week ends, you name it. I was there. It has been my identity. I'm so sad I can rain man style recall projects from a decade ago verbatim when the server goes down, no problem.
I know more about the business than the owners do.

It's only in working my notice I truly understand how little they think of me. All those times I fought the corners of my team, saved client relationships, literally kept the business running during the pandemic… Nothing.

I've tried so hard and worked so many unpaid hours without recognition and just had a “leaving do” my managers didn't even turn up to. Never felt so professionally worthless.

Just a rant I guess. Call me gullible, but I'm the guy who will go the extra mile, be on call, help others out, and in this case, be a complete sucker.

My biggest regret is that my family suffered for it.

Harsh lesson. Learned.

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