
$15 minimum wage

I stg if I hear one more conservative redneck complain about service workers making a $15 minimum wage I’m gonna lose my shit. Instead of getting mad about workers getting paid more why not get pissed off at the greedy af corporations, shareholders, and CEO’s who take all the profits off other people hard work? Where they cut corners at any point just to make a profit the next quarter. You would think it would make them go “yeah i do a lot for this company maybe we should all get more of the profits we produced”, but Americas propaganda machine is amazing at how it turns workers against each other and vote against their own interests. It’s maddening.

I stg if I hear one more conservative redneck complain about service workers making a $15 minimum wage I’m gonna lose my shit. Instead of getting mad about workers getting paid more why not get pissed off at the greedy af corporations, shareholders, and CEO’s who take all the profits off other people hard work? Where they cut corners at any point just to make a profit the next quarter. You would think it would make them go “yeah i do a lot for this company maybe we should all get more of the profits we produced”, but Americas propaganda machine is amazing at how it turns workers against each other and vote against their own interests. It’s maddening.

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