
$15,000 pay cut

I’ve worked at a company since January as a temp worker. During my time here I’ve been waiting for a permanent position and was told they were trying to get approval for the past 7 months. In that time, they have hired two people with less experience than me one role above entry level (which is the level my skills/experience are at). In addition to that 3 more people at the same level as me were hired in this time because of turnover or other reasons. The first one was hired the same month my contract got renewed and is on my direct team. I’m told they’re still trying to get approval. ok that’s fine. Someone on our same team (but different focus) quit, and they reached out to hire a friend of mine and I gave them advice one whether or not they should take it. I used to…

I’ve worked at a company since January as a temp worker. During my time here I’ve been waiting for a permanent position and was told they were trying to get approval for the past 7 months. In that time, they have hired two people with less experience than me one role above entry level (which is the level my skills/experience are at). In addition to that 3 more people at the same level as me were hired in this time because of turnover or other reasons.

The first one was hired the same month my contract got renewed and is on my direct team. I’m told they’re still trying to get approval. ok that’s fine.

Someone on our same team (but different focus) quit, and they reached out to hire a friend of mine and I gave them advice one whether or not they should take it. I used to work where my friend was and it’s awful right now and advised them to take this role.

They take it and shortly after I finally get my full time offer. It is $15,000 less per year AND I would get demoted to the entry level title in my industry….. I understand I’d be getting vacation and other benefits (i already have health insurance with my agency) but that pay cut is insane. I obviously tell HR no and ask for higher salary. Shortly after my friend lets me know the minimum salary for the role they were offered.

I talk to my team lead who can be trusted and tell them I know what I deserve and it’s come to my attention what the minimum salary is for what my role should be. they let me know they shouldn’t tell me, but the company doesn’t want to hire me above entry level even though they know I can (and have been) performing at that level because they’ve hired too many above entry level. Even though I’ve been sitting here for months and have gotten my contract renewed within that time. My team lead wants to hire me at the level I deserve but the company won’t budge. They also told me the company is giving me a new offer that’s only 2k more than the first one with a tiny sign on bonus. they understand why I’m going to ask to stay as a temp worker, but HR is “sensitive” about how long they keep temps.

I’m waiting to hear back from HR with that offer and see what they say about me wanting to stay temp. This is the first job I’ve really loved and I love my team as well. We get along so well and honestly my only negative about this job is this crazy offer. I’m so upset but honestly I think rejecting this offer would eliminate any chance of getting unemployment if they won’t renew my temp contract. I’ll feel bullied into accepting an offer that is way below my experience level..

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