
1:59pm Boss: are you hoping on this call?

I work from home and most of the time it is nice. However sometimes my boss gets super helicoptery. It started out if I was a minute late asking if I was joining some call. Now it turned into him hopping on calls 5+ minutes early and expecting it to start early. He doesn’t look at my calendar and does not pay attention to Teams status colors and messages about me being in a call. Fyi – helicoptery meaning like a helicopter boss hovering over you to make sure you’re doing what he wants.

I work from home and most of the time it is nice. However sometimes my boss gets super helicoptery. It started out if I was a minute late asking if I was joining some call. Now it turned into him hopping on calls 5+ minutes early and expecting it to start early. He doesn’t look at my calendar and does not pay attention to Teams status colors and messages about me being in a call.

Fyi – helicoptery meaning like a helicopter boss hovering over you to make sure you’re doing what he wants.

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