
1st time making a post here.

For context I am 34 years old. For the last 10 years I have been a CNA and I am sick of the field, so I am unemployed and job hunting. Why in the actual fuck do companies need to know why I separated from my previous employer? I have had jobs were I jave left. I have been fired. I have made dumb mistakes that I wouldnt make a 2nd time. Why does a potential employer for a fucking chicken farm need to know that I wanted an extra sick day when my previous job failed to hire adequate staff which made me not want to come in that day? Maybe, just maybe, I did something dumb in this scenario that led to me being laid off, but why does Farmer Dan need to know that information? Every experience at a job is different. If I did something dumb…

For context I am 34 years old. For the last 10 years I have been a CNA and I am sick of the field, so I am unemployed and job hunting.

Why in the actual fuck do companies need to know why I separated from my previous employer?

I have had jobs were I jave left. I have been fired. I have made dumb mistakes that I wouldnt make a 2nd time. Why does a potential employer for a fucking chicken farm need to know that I wanted an extra sick day when my previous job failed to hire adequate staff which made me not want to come in that day? Maybe, just maybe, I did something dumb in this scenario that led to me being laid off, but why does Farmer Dan need to know that information?

Every experience at a job is different. If I did something dumb at job A, it's because job A allowed it to happen, or rather job A sorta forced my hand at what I did. Why does job B need to know this information?

And how come jobs are offering 14/hr but want a bachelors as well as 4 years experience? How do you get experience if you can't get hired to get that experience?

Im 34. Not a dumb kid thinking about getting drunk or high with his bros on the weekend, I am looking to put gas in my car and food on the table. 75% of jobs out there can be taught and trained in a single day if a person is willing to accept the work.

But holy fuck. Trawling through makes it feel like potential employers are expecting only people with 4 year degrees to have more than 2 brain cells. I don't have 4 years of landscaping experience but it takes literally minutes to learn how to cut grass or move stones from here to there. Yes I have medical experience. That doesnt mean that I don't know how to lay brick or use a shovel to clean a job site. Like dude, I have 10 assessments on Indeed that all call me proficient, from medical terminology, computer skills, retail/customer interaction, medical transcription, to even being proficient at not being a “dumbass”

And the “reason for leaving” that you can't skip. The “may we contact?”

No bitch I dont work for them for a reason. Why do you need to know this information? You want me to use a turkey baster to artifically inseminate another turkey. Why do you need to know about my time as a CNA? Just know I have real world experience and hire me.

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