
2 months into Junior helpdesk position, not sure what to think about it so far.

At first I was really pumped to have an office job where I can also learn some useful skills. But I'm starting to feel like this is not for me. I was told they would teach me everything, this is unfortunately reflected on my salary, which is below average. If I wasn't living with my GF, I would have to live in a shared flat just to pay bills. There are two workplaces. First one is just picking up calls/reading emails/looking at tickets, and the second one is on-site IT support for office workers, things like replacing printer ink and resetting Teams. I used to do a lot of physical labor, and I actually find myself more tired than before. I'm half asleep on my way to work, sleeping at work until 1pm when I finally start to feel awake, half asleep on my way home and finally taking 1-2h…

At first I was really pumped to have an office job where I can also learn some useful skills. But I'm starting to feel like this is not for me.

I was told they would teach me everything, this is unfortunately reflected on my salary, which is below average. If I wasn't living with my GF, I would have to live in a shared flat just to pay bills.

There are two workplaces. First one is just picking up calls/reading emails/looking at tickets, and the second one is on-site IT support for office workers, things like replacing printer ink and resetting Teams.

I used to do a lot of physical labor, and I actually find myself more tired than before. I'm half asleep on my way to work, sleeping at work until 1pm when I finally start to feel awake, half asleep on my way home and finally taking 1-2h nap right as I come home. It's really difficult to find the energy to work out, cook, clean, but also things like playing games and watching movies. I just want to sleep all day.

So far I wasn't really taught anything, just “click here, type this, open this” I usually do about 2-3 hours of work a day, the other 5 hours I'm browsing reddit whilst looking over my shoulder to see if my boss is watching me. I've learned how to use Active Directory and some lesser known Windows features, but that's about it.

However boss is happy. He says I always take initiative and I'm coming into the office on time (I arrive 5-10 mins late at least 3 times a week), but I'm worried one day he'll realize I actually don't know anything.

No one tells me what I should be doing, but other coworkers always seem busy, I don't even want to know what are they doing lol. When it's up to me to fix something, I just can't do it 80% of the time and have to rely on someone else to help me. That's mainly because most people use really niche software you wouldn't even know exists.

Their stance on WFH is straight up moronic. Generally given as a “reward” or if you're sick. You can't work from home just because you want to, or your commute is long.

One last thing I will have to do eventually is 24/7 server monitoring, basically look at 20+ graphs for 6-8 hours to see if some variable exceeds certain threshold, and then write it down. That's including nights and weekends, and I really hate the thought of having to do this on Sunday morning.

Does it get better? I was honestly considering just stocking shelves at a grocery store, it sounds more exciting and i would probably be earning more money. Sitting all day is slowly transforming me into a vegetable.

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