
2 week notice or completely screw them.

In my position I'm in control of basically the entire facility. Usually when I take more than a couple days off a colossal problem always comes up. And dealing with living things, this could be very bad, like close the facility down bad. Over the last couple months my boss has been basically doing nothing. He tries to dump all of his managerial stuff onto me and another co-worker. Of course, since they're friends he gets the easy task that look good for his career and I'm stuck with the grunt work. Lately we've been having a lot of problems and I've shown my boss the issues and back them up with data and academic research to prove my point. Since it makes the other guy look bad, he just tells me there's no way that could be the problem. I'm talking about multiple meetings and even fights with the…

In my position I'm in control of basically the entire facility. Usually when I take more than a couple days off a colossal problem always comes up. And dealing with living things, this could be very bad, like close the facility down bad. Over the last couple months my boss has been basically doing nothing. He tries to dump all of his managerial stuff onto me and another co-worker. Of course, since they're friends he gets the easy task that look good for his career and I'm stuck with the grunt work.
Lately we've been having a lot of problems and I've shown my boss the issues and back them up with data and academic research to prove my point. Since it makes the other guy look bad, he just tells me there's no way that could be the problem. I'm talking about multiple meetings and even fights with the coworker and the boss trying to mediate but yeah, all they care about is looking good for the higher ups even though it'll look bad on all of us in the long run.
So over the last couple weeks I've been aggressively job hunting and finally have a couple prospects (not offers yet 🤞) but I've been dreaming of just walking out one day and leaving them all high and dry. It would take them at best days to figure out my job which could lead to disaster. I'm really starting to hate these people including most of my other co-workers who all get their work personalities from the boss aka kiss ass and make yourself look as good as possible by bringing other people's work down. I'm planning on leaving the industry and never coming back. My question is should I just walk out like I'm dreaming or should I put my two weeks in and then they would pick my brain enough to keep it going after I leave. Granted I've created presentations and spreadsheets showing what I do and how I do it, but without me teaching them first hand it's pretty complicated. Mind you I've tried to teach almost everyone there what I do but since it's so much more work everyone basically ignores me and leaves me to do it by myself.

It's just always been in drilled into my head that to be a professional. You should always put a two week notice in and that's my biggest struggle.

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