
2 weeks notice? how dare you!

Just got a better job lined up. Ive been working at a pet store for the last 3 months for dogshit money (pun intended) with a wildly varying schedule. No benefits, of course. We also board and groom dogs so during the summer it's been a very heavy workload as people go on vacation and we help care for their furry friends. After I was accepted for this new position, I called my boss to tell him my last day at work. He had the nerve to try and guilt me about the fact this is stressful for him. We just had a new hire quit within 8 days of work with no notice recently. He actually tried to get me to pick up his shifts before this phone call (hard pass, broski ). Boss said with so many people quitting I was ruining his vacation. His 2nd vacation in…

Just got a better job lined up. Ive been working at a pet store for the last 3 months for dogshit money (pun intended) with a wildly varying schedule. No benefits, of course. We also board and groom dogs so during the summer it's been a very heavy workload as people go on vacation and we help care for their furry friends.

After I was accepted for this new position, I called my boss to tell him my last day at work. He had the nerve to try and guilt me about the fact this is stressful for him. We just had a new hire quit within 8 days of work with no notice recently. He actually tried to get me to pick up his shifts before this phone call (hard pass, broski ). Boss said with so many people quitting I was ruining his vacation. His 2nd vacation in 2 months.

He's currently riding to his destination in one of his 2 cars, a new Mercedes. My empathy has its limits. And I BUST MY ASS at work. Not because I love my boss, but because I just don't know how to be at work and do anything else but bust my fuckin ass. If he wants more employees that are comfortable with the heavy workload and will work that hard, he should consider paying them more. It's a small business, it's all up to him. I've seen the money we pull in every day. He can afford to pay decent wages but can't stand to lower his own standard of living enough to do so. Boo fucking hoo

Just wanted to vent. I'm hoping like hell this new job goes as well as I think it will

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