
2 weeks notice is a MYTH

I keep seeing people give their jobs 2 weeks notice. I understand if you work for a small company, you really want to make sure your leaving doesn't put them in a bind, and maybe the people there treated you well. Even then, I wouldn't give 2 weeks. 1 week, if they're good to you. And don't train your replacement for the same pay you were already making. Don't train them at all. It's not your job. Employers know they're not paying fair wages. They know when they're overworking employees, overstressing employees, and undervaluing the people that bust their asses for them. Stop giving a 2 weeks notice. Just quit. If you have vacation and sick time to use, let that be your notice. Use it all up and bounce. Stop giving your life to people that will step over your lifeless body to clock you out if you died…

I keep seeing people give their jobs 2 weeks notice. I understand if you work for a small company, you really want to make sure your leaving doesn't put them in a bind, and maybe the people there treated you well. Even then, I wouldn't give 2 weeks. 1 week, if they're good to you. And don't train your replacement for the same pay you were already making. Don't train them at all. It's not your job.
Employers know they're not paying fair wages. They know when they're overworking employees, overstressing employees, and undervaluing the people that bust their asses for them.
Stop giving a 2 weeks notice. Just quit. If you have vacation and sick time to use, let that be your notice. Use it all up and bounce.
Stop giving your life to people that will step over your lifeless body to clock you out if you died on the job.

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