Month: February 2022
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Mental Dissonance
Hi there antiworkers. Some times I am wondering, you know, when we watch news/tv and complain that it indoctrinated us for capitalism, decides us, misrepresents the truth in important issues or ignores them all together. How come that when you watch news about foreign conflict, like Ukraine or Cuba or whatever, you still take the side your media is on? Now before you go mad with envy of the salary Putin pays me for trolling, I'm just going to say: No WAR but CLASS WAR!
Epic rage quit story
I rage quit my job last week after I made a complaint about a colleague. I actually regret it and I’m trying to get re-hired, but seriously could not have avoided this – the complaint was serious, and I got pretty much no support with this because my line manager was leaving in a couple of weeks. Basically got so stressed over space of weeks I was hardly eating or sleeping, and I just felt like a massive problem for everybody. Got it into my head they wanted rid of me, so I just dropped them an email saying I resign because I feel socially isolated. In the middle of all this, a colleague who was pretty much my main support in all this & wasn’t even supposed to be involved, got promoted. I accidentally spilled some GDPR protected stuff about the complaint to him. Prior to this I had…
Quit via email or in person?
Really hate doing these types of things in person, always get super anxious and brain fart the script of prepared remarks. Want to take the chicken shit way out and just resign via email. Is this unprofessional?