
Need new job starting mid/late June.

I’m (24F) a teacher at a middle school and I love the kids but hate the day to day tasks of the job. Recently I’ve been waking up super depressed at the idea of having to go into work just to be paid pennies and spread to thin. It’s just becoming so exhausting. I’m mostly hoping that if anyone knows of a job opening in New Hampshire/Mass area that wouldn’t make me so miserable to let me know! I’m been feeling extra bummed lately when I read posts here about people job hopping, because I feel like I can’t do that as much being a teacher. The only job opportunities to me are other teaching professions which I’m trying to avoid due to my burn out. Any tips for that? I have been on indeed looking for alternatives, but they either pay worse than I get paid now, or have…


Got an interview for a really well paid position tomorrow, as a Care Home manager in dementia setting. Any questions I should expect?


Client wants me to work some crazy hours

I work with special needs kids and this client just asked if I could make up lost hours because my car broke down. This will mean.. wait for it, 1 day I’ll work for 4 hours, stop for 30 minutes, and work with the same client for another 5.25 hours. I’ll wake up the next morning and leave at 7am and get back at 8pm as for usual on this day. On Friday, client 2 wants a make up shift for 4 hours, and client 1 wants their regular 5.25 hours. 3 days of leaving at 7am and returning at 6-8pm. Wow. And did I mention this is work with special needs kids?


Work Limbo, part 3.

So yesterday, one of the supervisors gave me shit for being “slow” with this task : ​ I should note that they tried to get me to start it at 3:30 PM but I *literally could not leave* the till because customers did not stop coming through it until 4:09 PM (I was meant to clock out at 5. I clocked out at 5:50. Not amused) Details details, we had a little yelling match at each other and I was lied to, to my face, about how other people (Zero evidence, obvs) can do faster *with* customers. I was pretty confident I wouldn't come in for tomorrow's shift (Which is an afternoon shift so my meds will fuck me up *and* it involves the same cleaning shit task I hate. A lot.), but a very “Oh boy..” sounding supervisor called me to ask if I'm coming in tomorrow. Couldn't…


Feeling broken

Feeling pretty beat down and broken today. If it’s not one thing it’s another. My partner’s car just broke down. No idea how much it will cost to fix it. She has a fixed income that will greatly increase after school and I do side jobs and Flex when the money makes sense. Overall though we are in debt and getting by but it just seems like we can never get ahead and I’m kind of at my wit’s end over it. I have some investments and if I sold those things we would be fine but I really don’t want to. Outside of getting a regular job that I hate or taking the time & money to teach myself a new skill I just really don’t know what to do. I don’t fit in with the mainstream economy and the things I like to do don’t provide enough of…


Not strong enough for this

Hi everyone. This is is my current situation and I'm simply looking for advice from anyone who might have gone through something similar. I'm in Illinois. I am a nightshift supervisor. My employer wants to add a dayshift to my department and wants me to take on the added responsibilities without a pay increase or additional support such as a lead. I have already told them I can't because I'm dealing with a lot lately. My wife and I just had a child, she's going back to work, and her father is terminally ill. Can I get demoted or fired for saying “no” due to not being in a healthy state of mind for the added responsibilities?


We were not created to do work for our entire existence. We are human *beings.* Not human *doings.*

Normalize being.


Says the inventor who worked from home for decades.


Have been invited to speak for 5 minutes at an anti-landlord rally – anyone got any good speeches or want to pitch in some good ideas / talking points for me to say?


I got brave and asked my boss for a half day, once a week…

I’m self employed but the owner of the studio is my boss. I hate asking for stuff but I’m so burnt out, I usually love my job but the last year has been really hard mentally. So today I got the courage and asked for a half day, once a week. I usually get Sunday and Monday off but due to the nature of my job I have designing/drawing to do on a Monday night (tattooist). So really I get one day off a week and I spend 50% of it sleeping/napping, 25% cleaning the house and 25% staring at the wall because I’m depressed af. Sunday everything in my city is closed, there’s not really much to do. She asked why I wanted this time off, I said because it will give me time to go to the bank (I get paid in cash and my bank closes before…