
Gentle reminder that forcing Joe Biden to choose between WFH or his developer donors losing money on their investments, he’d rather you go out back to your cubicle and all get the ‘rona again.


I guess we’re all communists now…


Union carpenter

I started my apprenticeship working as a scaffold builder in a coal fired power plant. Starting pay was just above minimum wage as an apprentice and my boss at that location was a complete asshole. He expected all the workers to work at an unrealistic pace. He expected a large scaffold to be built in a matter of hours even though it violated OSHA and basic health violations. He felt if you weren’t picking up slack or breaking your back, literally, then you weren’t seen as valuable. So, this location is situated on a Indian reservation where basically anything goes. Not to make it a race thing, but it seemed that American Indian health was not a concern for the major companies at that specific location. I have since moved to another place of employment that treats me so much better that I can’t believe I worked in dirty and…


Best ‘Work Whenever/Wherever’ Side-Hustles? (Uber, Doordash, Craigslist, etc…)


Real question…

If we all stop working and keep demanding more things from the businesses we work at how will this end good? I mean think about it if people don’t work how can we go shopping, out to eat, fix our cars, like what’s the long term plant if it’s to get better benefits or more money from work what if all the costs of those things are passed on to consumers so everyone keeps becoming more poor??


Stock at ATH, don’t have budget for employee awards

I’m in aerospace, we have an employee recognition program. Some one goes above and beyond you can nominate them for an award ($400). I just received a nomination and my boss informed me they don’t have the budget. The stock price hit an all time high with the Conflict in Ukraine..,


As a European, the concept of limited sick days is mind boggling


Annual review rating downgraded because I don’t want to needlessly go to an office

Just had my annual review at work. 4% pay rise based on my getting a 4/5 on my review score. (Our company gives you a score out of 5 based on your work and 'living company values' performance) Apparently my manager was trying to push for me to get the full 5/5 score but what pushed me back down to a 4 was my “strong opinions on working from home and returning to the office”. Yknow what though, I'll take the lower score and slightly lower raise/bonus with working from home over a higher raise and going to the office with absolutely no hesitation. I know for a fact that the cost of going to the office even once a week (Over £30 between diesel and parking for each day I go into the office, plus 3 hours of my personal time) would far exceed that extra 1% pay rise…


stonks at its best



Tech company tells employees to go fuck themselves