My version of antiwork is acting like I work my ass off 40+ hours a week and clients, coworkers and bosses are mind blown. Meanwhile I work 10-15 hours a week and nap most of the day or doing whatever I want. This is coasting and I plan to work like this forever. Anybody else? I feel like I’m getting my revenge on these corporations while still getting my profits.
Month: March 2022
nah, boss. I’m good.
I'm scared people at my work are gonna make fun of me for choosing to work this new job and I could definitely use the money
Resume/CV gaps
I just had a interview for an internship,. I need to do it as part of my university course. I was at the 2nd stage interview today. I was asked why there was a gap between me leaving school and me going on to college (few years) Real reason was I was living with abuse asf parents and I was at the lowest point of my life. Probably was around 16/17 I just said medical issues I don't see how it's relevant at all though. What do you say about that when they ask you?
-everyone on this sub
How many of you have taken a pay cut for better mental health?? I have a job offer at a place that’s in state (Indiana) and is closer to my house. They wanted me to give me 53k but I got them up to 55k. I currently make 58k at my job. Let me start where I don’t like my current job. For starters, the commute fucking sucks. I drive 70 miles (40-45 min commute) round trip everyday to Illinois from my house in Indiana(I fill up my car once a week, costs $50 at current gas prices). I fucking hate my boomer coworker. She’s a fucking A-type personality that if I file something wrong, she flies off the handle. She questions everyone’s every little step. I have to walk on eggshells around her. I have social anxiety to begin with and have made a couple HR complaints after her…