
Wtf.. absolute joke..


These are my people

You. This sub. These are my people. Please bear with me, this may be worth the read. My goal for every conversation I have with my friends, my family, random people who I meet on the street, people that work in cafe's I go to, basically anyone who will listen, is to bring about an exodus. Through my life, I am aiming to move more people from an antiwork mindset to a FIRE mindset. Both excellent groups of people, with similar motivations and similar end goals. This is my attempt at emploring you, en masse, to consider investing your spare change, your long term savings or even car cash. Invest something. Invest in the generic basket item (US has SP500, AUS has ASX200 etc) of your country, or another of your choice. Why? “I cannot pass down the income from my job to my progeny, I can however pass down…


I think there is a TON of B.S. in our workforces. People acting like somehow they didn’t know about so many disruptive tech changes over the past decades. I *guess* leadership just thought it would resolve itself.


Older workers: The “gee, I don’t know how to manage new systems and processes” convo gets stale really quickly. You could easily look up more info on the topics. You chose not to.


Waited a whole month to not get an interview

As the title says I applied for a job with Tesco at the beginning of last month and only received a email saying I didn't pass their first lot of online questions, luckily I've already accepted a better paying job offer with one of their competitors but just makes me angry that they do this why post a job advert then make people wait a month to hear anything? Side note if anyone here has somehow worked for them how the hell did you get past their stupid online questions I've officially given up applying for them as I've applied for 3 jobs with them now brother applied for 1 and all them times rejection.


A pattern: People in workplaces acknowledging how much the nature of work has changed but don’t do much of anything to adapt to the times.


How to make money from reddit?

Hey people Is there a way to make money from reddit besides the market research made for the amazon fba and those things


Judge upholds strike injunction at BNSF: US capitalism disciplines the working class while preparing for war


i wasn’t paid for a job last year but they sent me my w2?

when i needed money at the time i worked at baskin robbins for 2 days, and i left because of how bad the management was and they wanted me to open and close the store alone with 0 prior training. i quit after day 2 and i was never paid for the job, but they still sent me my w2. can i still ask for my paycheck from a year ago? or should i just let it go since i have my w2?


We sure dream of our bosses, yea