
Best way to take advantage of Company card?


minimum wage jobs really are insane

So, I have worked in my fair share of crazy minimum wage jobs. They range from cafes to call centres. Currently, I am lucky enough to work in a fairly good tech business (a bit too corporate for my liking, but it's still better than most). However, it just crossed my mind how absurd and utterly insane management can be in minimum wage jobs, and I want to compare management for my current tech job to when I worked in a call centre for a major cell phone company. For context, I make over double now than when I worked in the call centre. So, at this call centre, they claimed security was a big deal; to the point that if your phone was even seen on you, then you would be punished and written up. They would have you walk through guarded doors with alarms, and there was always…


I got hit by a patron management don’t want to make it an issue.

Edit to make it very clear: I am an usher I am paid to be an usher I am not security. Firstly, I have to be vague due to my contract. This is as much detail as I can put it. It might even be too much detail. I work at a stadium, the stadium lets patrons onto the field after the game. This isn't managed by security this is managed by event day staff. Like me, my last shift, someone who was drunk decided to jump the fence to try and scare/tackle me. They luckily missed and only hit my arm which hurt for about 2 days afterwards. There actually might be a video of it out there somewhere not sure but the whole field is recorded. The problem comes after I'm hit. I tell my supervisor after coming off the field still not feeling the pain. They say…


Good morning to everyone except Howard Schultz


April 8: I’m not afraid of failure, but of losing without having tried my hardest.


Fucker trying to pull a bait and switch


This is actually capitalist propaganda, that makes it seem like your hard work pays off, when in reality, this is closer to a one in a million type situation where by some miracle an immigrant’s daughter overachieves in education


Boss actually scoffed at a vacation I requested for.

Work for this mid level type company where there is a lot of busy work that could easily be handled over the course of a day rather than a week and my job is to make sure certain numbers add up, excel is my best friend. I recently decided that I was going to take a vacation for a week and didn’t know where to go, was talking to my coworkers about it and my boss overheard. A while later she comes to me and asked where I was going, as if it’s any of her business, and was deciding between a beach or some type of fun activity at Orlando. She had the audacity to say “since your indecisive do you really ‘need’ to go on a vacation, there is a lot of work here for you to do and not slack around”. For the first time in my…


General strike? (and what is The Taft-Hartley Act of 1947)

So, historically, general strikes are not a new thing- the practice stems from jurisdictional strikes, or secondary strikes occurring at other workplaces in support of an ongoing strike elsewhere. Increasingly as we see more strike efforts in the news, we may wonder why strikes only tackle one issue at a time- one union, one strike. Why not work together, strike together? We are all in the same boat, after all. I've recently learned that this is because a historical precedent (in the USA) exists to limit any so-called general strike. ​ A law was passed in 1947 called the Taft-Hartley Act, enacted by a republican-controlled congress in spite of a presidential veto by Harry Truman. (He tried to repeal this law later as well, but was unsuccessful.) This act was passed following another law which was passed a decade earlier in 1935, the Wagner Act, that legalized union activity in…


On Medicaid? Or denied on application? SPEAK OUT