Month: May 2022
Why was this post removed lol
Minimum wage?
So the law in California is that businesses with 26 or more employees must pay 15$ an hour as minimum wage. 25 or less employees is 14$ per hour. My question is; does this apply per location? Im a manager for a small-ish local business that has four locations. They are paying some employees 14$ per hour because our single location does have less than 25 employees. But considering all of the locations, there are definitely more than 26 employees. Is my employer required to pay minimum wage based on total employees of all locations? Or just the location we work at? Thanks!
Who do you trust less? Real question.— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) May 26, 2022
I hate how our current system encourages toxic productivity, hustle culture, etc. How does a world where anti-work could be the norm fit with creative endeavors? Would you only do them for the pure job of doing them, only for yourself? Would you focus on wanting more people to experience your art? Would an anti-work society also be a society without our current definition of money, and therefore would artist work not be compensated?
Why?? Do people actually do them?
What can I actually do?
What can I actually do? There seems to be no coordinated effort to do anything, almost like its done intentionally just a place to vent frustration rather than influence anything. 60 different conflicting messages and plans anytime some strike or protest happens to shamble any progress. “If we wait just long enough for the next election maybe this time we can vote some more progressives in!”, seems like its been the same story for the past 30 years. How do I influence my employer to pay us more? How do I convince people to fight? Can we review bomb or Glassdoor, take down their websites and shitty listings? Literally any co-ordinated effort step-by-step instructions on how to do anything.