
First Day of Vacation

… never fail, my boss always finds a reason to text me while I'm on vacation. Sometimes things that are semi-urgent (but were ignored prior to my departure), some things completely mundane, all of them never actually pressing. He always “forgets” I'm on vacation, ya know, despite not being in the office and notifying him of my time off repeatedly. Today, while home with Covid, I get a text of a screenshot and saying “My first day of vacation.” with a client issue. Well, I'm usually not snarky, but today, I replied “Welcome to my life!” with a laugh emoji, and I'll take care of it. Like…. bruh you bother me literally every time I'm off, you don't respect the fact that I'm literally currently sick, so ya, poor you. Vent over


All of Those Quitters? They’re at Work.


I have a job interview today. But I also have a vacation already booked and paid for planned for the last week of June. How do I go about mentioning this in my interview?


BOLI Insurance and how companies really look at you

Large companies will take out insurance on their executives. It's commonly known as BOLI or COLI and its used as a tax evasion tactic. What's more, they can “sell” these policies in complicated structured products to get income on the cash value of the amounts, using third parties. They will say that its a great asset on the balance sheet and helps everyone. The truth they won't admit is that these executives are essentially a huge liability and hogging much of the benefit investment that lower trench employees need to grow and survive. Investment on longer term assets (low level employees) is being ignored for the sake of a pretty balance sheet and short-term risk mitigation on their liability (CEO) Mid to low level employees are an asset. So don't think that your comfort and work from home benefits are somehow privileges or even compensation. They are an investment because…


2 days to study for state exam when other employees given min. 3 weeks. Do I bring it up to the director?

About five months ago, HR sent out an email with info and study material about the state licensing exam with studying being scheduled during work hours. It said we should begin studying ASAP to prepare. I asked my supervisor three times about study opportunities: December, after receiving the email – I asked if there would be an opportunity for remote study. She said it was not my place to ask and it will be assigned when it's assigned. That same conversation she told me I was still on probation and needed to start putting my best foot forward. End of February – A coworker asked with me and we were told it would be assigned when it was time. No other info. April – I was told “off the record” nothing is stopping me from studying at home. All other lab employees were given about three weeks minimum to study.…


Set up to fail at work

I work in a department at work and I have recieved little training when I first started. I am a junior level employee and they expect senior level work out of me while I am getting paid a junior level salary. This is extremly frustrating to me.


Sore hands and the orange.

I took a step backwards in career moves I guess. So prepan I was furthering my education and gained several certification. I left my security of 11 years with a company at ok pay late 2019. 30k 20hrs a week. Until March I was making triple what I made at my old job, but it was all gig schedules nothing was a full time deal. After lockdown I lost two of my three subcontracts, and the third just never called me back. I took my certifications to proper places to work but they all wanted me to do entry level work, yet put my certification on the wall. I worked odd jobs for local farms until I took a manager position at a five and dime type of place didn’t ask the pay cause it was management. 5 weeks later I get first and second pay due to new system…


MAY 14 PROTESTS: Join the Socialist Feminist Contingent


My boss doesn’t want me to tell my coworkers I’m leaving

I'm a developer in a big IT company and I work in my client's offices. I've decided to leave my company and I've sent my 3 months notice yesterday (yup in france it's 3 months lol). Now my manager (big IT company side) doesn't want me to tell my client (my team which I see everyday) that I'm leaving. I want to announce it myself since I like them and I want them to learn it from me and not from the commercial. Can I do it ?


Have any of you lied on your resume to get a job?