Month: May 2022
Whenever I spend money on takeout instead of eating something frozen at home or going to the store to get groceries, I feel guilty because that's money I also need for the most basic things like bills, insurance, whatever. I hate how the people in charge get all the benefits and have so much extra money, while people like me are so underpaid that I feel bad for spending money on literally just a sandwich or something. I totally understand the argument that you should be careful spending money on stuff like takeout, clothes, movies, or other expenses. But also like…it's so basic, society shouldn't even be in a place where that's an issue.
Basically my employer decided that since they did so well last year, they're going to give each of their employees a check worth one whole weeks worth of their salary to help them deal with increased costs of living due to the current inflation crisis. There are no strings attached to this check, everyone is getting one. I just thought with how much shit is going on right now, and how shitty most employers can and are in this fucked up country, that I would post about this to give people some hope that hey, some companies do treat people well.
Short summary of my previous job. I work IT for a non-profit who of course uses that as an excuse to pay way below the median. I'm 1 of 4 on an IT team that supports 800+ users over 30+ buildings and this is expanding every month. I have been there over 5 years and have been promoted over the years to a Jr. Sys Admin role. However, because we have such few help desk staff (2 of the 4 are designated as help desk), I still do basic help desk as 80% of my job and even the Sr. Sys Admin has to do support probably 25% of the time. I can see things getting worse so I started to casually look for a new job. After only a couple weeks, I found a job and was offered a position for basic help desk (which is fine since that's…
I hate everything
I am so fed up with everything that is going on in America. I work in healthcare and I fucking hate what it has become. Nothing more than another corporation to make the rich richer. I really wish I could just say fuck everything! I want to pack up a livable van and take off. I cannot even afford to do that because the capitalism has decided that credit is important than my sanity. I am so ready to tell the man to fuck off. Is there anyone out there that might know anyone that would be willing to give me a van I could live out of for the well-being of my mental health? I have to try putting this shit out in the world, just in case. And trolls. You can kiss my fat ass because I lost my fucks years ago. Along with my sanity. When I…