
My mum was fired after 1 day at her job because the man she was talking to twisted her words around and assumed she was too disabled to perform the work

The recruiter told her this. This sounds an AWFUL LOT like disability discrimination, even though she doesn't have one, they assumed she had one and fired her for this magically perceived disability that doesn't fucking exist. She neither has a disability that would keep her from performing the job duties NOR did she state or imply that she had any. I think she talked about how her last job gave her knee pads (as PPE), and they said her bad knees would not work with the job duties. She doesn't fucking HAVE bad knees. What is a completely realistic course of action for her? I'd ask r/legaladvice but it's full of bootlicking twatnuggets and I'm just so angry right now.


You people have no idea how much money they have, and how little work they do

For full disclosure, I'm middle class, have been all of my life. So no, I'm not sweating in the sun or toiling in a factory, but I'm not rich either. You people have no idea how much money the rich, the connected, the business class has, and how little work they do. Millions of dollars is like pennies to them. They just shuffle it around, in the past on paper, but now on the computer screen. And that's all they do. All freaking day. Shift money around, and make millions and even billions doing it. And going to social events, charities, etc. They never touch anything, they never pick up anything, they never bend over, they never sweat, they never do anything of the sort. They just “make deals” and you work for them, and they get more profit, and society goes deeper into debt. They just go from their…


Boss makes schedule every 2 weeks last and doesn’t make another schedule until the last few hours of the final day on the clock.

This is driving me insane and I’m thinking I’m just crazy but nobody knows when they have off for what days they have to schedule a ride or anything in the case of scheduling for everyone under the boss. That schedule is the lively hood of people who are working day to day pay check to paycheck. There got to be something slightly illegal there. Sorry for rant


Detached home office. You can’t convince me to come in person ever again.


Meanwhile, with our taxes…


Antiwork mentioned by Business Insider


They’ll spend $$$ on robots before they’ll pay humans a living wage.


Now they’re begging.


Fuck you… sincerely.

Well after 5 Looooong ass years I finally left my shithole of a work place this past week. after 4.5 years of appalling treatment, terrible pay and even worse hours I'm free and I can actually say I haven't felt this good since I started. I could've just dropped my notice and said fuck you but after being in this sub for a few months I decided to go out causing as much inconvenience as possible. For a bit of context before we begin I'm a mechanic by trade. As well as being raised in and around garages I had to do a year in college and a 3 year apprenticeship to get my 3 levels of diplomas required to work in a mainstream garage. Only then the learning really begins as you build your own procedures and routines and a general way of doing things as you're left to…


“People may die at pools because lifeguards don’t want to work for the horrible wages offered.” There, I fixed the headline. Infuriating how this article doubles down on the old “nObOdY wAnTs tO wOrK aNyMoRe” talking points.