Month: May 2022
The juxtaposition
Did 7.5 years in prison. Somewhere along the way, life and the reality of how fragile and short a human life is hit my with full force. I jumped into school and worked on improving myself, began working out like crazy. Years passed. I was released and within 2 weeks was registered for a manufacturing engineering technology program at a local community college. 1st job I had coming out of this just so happened to be alongside the former police dispatcher that worked on my case when I was younger, he had become a manufacturing technician. First couple weeks in, he made it known that he recognized me. I had no clue who he was. In that same 2 weeks he pulled my past up on his work laptop and walked around the floor showing my mugshot to line leaders and line supervisors. Asked our supervisor if “we were hiring…
I’ve never taken so many L’s as when I’ve been genuinely nice. All while the fake-nice people and jerks get way ahead. Capitalism stinks. Things need to change.
Because that will make corporations lower their prices. Yeah right. Once that price is increased, it won’t go back down unless they are forced to. Having to pay less in wages will never be that reason.